Where’s Katrina? — Snatcher #15 — No Talent Gaming

By | 18.02.2018

Prank phone calls!

Snatcher PLAYLIST ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTi1p7LI3oo6vOZEr4cDJWya49U2Lg9ay

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Before Kojima became REALLY popular with Metal Gear Solid, but after he became marginally popular with Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, he made two games in the far future of the Metal Gear series — Snatcher and Policenauts. I don’t know if these games still line up with the modern Metal Gear canon, but who cares? They’re fun! In Snatcher, you play as Gillian Seed, investigating murders and discovering the replacement of people by Snatchers, robotic Terminator rip-offs. Being a visual novel, Snatcher is heavy on dialogue, inventory, and puzzle-solving. Snatcher also has a charm all of its own, with expressive animations, impressive voicework (for the time, on the Sega CD!), and funny hidden easter eggs, like the fortune teller or dialing random numbers on the phone. And… it all takes place during Christmas! Join Dave and Dev for this holiday murder mystery!



No Talent Gaming, or NTG, or a pronunciation of ‘NTG’ that may be considered racially insensitive, is a YouTube show where friends get together and play video games! It’s got a lot in common with Let’s Plays, in that the hosts provide colour commentary overtop of game footage. It’s also very different from other Let’s Play shows, as well. Unlike your average LP, we record our sessions LIVE, allowing viewers to interact with the video in real time. But most importantly of all, we don’t have just a face-cam; we have a full on couch-cam, shot in a greenscreen studio, so you guys can actually hang out with us!



*** Dave — The host of the show! He’s the guy on the left. He’s also usually the one who plays the games, and he’s notorious for being awful at them! Dave desires a normal, laid-back life, but NTG keeps sucking him back into the vortex of craziness!

*** Dev — The fat guy on the right! He plays sometimes, depending on the game or his mood. He’s generally better at video games than Dave, leading to some conflicts. Dev’s also rambunctious as fuck, generally contributing to Dave’s already-short fuse!

Jess — Jess, or sometimes spelled ‘Jes’, or sometimes as ‘Jessica’, but most commonly ‘Voldemort’, is a friend and occasional NTG guest. She generally shows up for stuff that’s either scary or perverted, but also enjoys a good three or four player romp.

Cabbage — Real name Kevin, Cabbage is a laid back stoner-type of guy, who is generally down to play anything and is always chill about it. Cabbage is the guy that always keeps the room mellow.

Yves — Yves came on the show because Dave wanted to play MGS and Dev ABSOLUTELY HATES MGS. Always happy and upbeat, and always willing to play anything, even if it’s absolute shit.

Beefy — Chris, who legally changed his name to Beefy in 1896, planned to appear on the show more than he did, but ultimately got whipped by his GF, and was only able to appear for SM3DW. He’s a professional actor though, and quite funny. RIP.

Alan — Cocky, clever, and competitive, Alan always brings laughs to the show. He’s the resident fighting game expert, but will play anything in the end. He’s also the BF of Jes, and they often do the show together!



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