What Your Laugh Reveals About Your Personality

Personality test: what does your laugh say about you?
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Well, you know what they say, life is better when you’re laughing. But did you know that the way you laugh is as unique as you are? It represents the most unfiltered expression of your personality. So, make sure to harness the power of your laughter every day. According to science, your laughter is a mirror image of your personality. It’s shocking, we know! But you can tell a lot about someone just from hearing them laugh. There are people who have some pretty wacky laughs. You know the kind we’re talking about! The ones that are so infectious because they honk like a goose when they laugh. It’s extremely funny, and it shows that the person has a fun-loving personality too. So, what other types of laughs are there and what do they reveal about your personality? Tell us what kind of laugh you have in the comments and then hit subscribe for more videos from TheTalko.

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