Tiny Granny BECOMES AN UNDERCOVER SPY!!! (Tricking Granny) | Granny The Mobile Horror Game (Story)

Beth is going undercover to try to find out what Granny is hiding….what are we going to find???

What’s up MA DUDES!!!! How is it going today? Today we are going to be playing Granny with an awesome twist of discovering more of the story between Jax, Beth and Granny! Most people play this game to uncover the secrets of Granny and try to find all of the endings! We are going to play the game completely different here today by using our imaginations and making the game less scary by just making our Tiny Granny clone named Beth go undercover to help us discover how Granny keeps taking us and capturing us in her house! In the last episodes, we trapped Granny outside, and then Granny captured Beth. We ended up getting more powers for ourselves from the orb in Granny’s basement! When we left Granny pulled us back and now we need to figure out how to break that spell on the house! Join me as me, Jax, and Beth try to continue our story to find out more information! Join me as we use our imaginations to make the game immensely more fun and have a great time with our favorite characters! Enjoy.

Merch Link:
(Escape-House Shirt) https://teespring.com/shop/dakblake-house-art
(Golden Logo Shirt) https://teespring.com/en-GB/shop/dakblake-gold-tshirt



Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/dakblake

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dakblake?ref=hl

Become MA DUDE: http://bit.ly/1dSRaM4

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Ending: Back Again by Lemmino
