The Game of Thrones RPG That Everyone Forgot About Every bit helps!
There are five hidden starbucks cups in this video. Can you find them all?
This Game of Thrones related video game was something I had never heard about despite being big into ASoIaF and watching the show at the time that this game came out. This game games place a little before season 1 of GoT and follows 2 characters across one heck of a story that features George R. R. Martin not only in a creative sense but he’s quite literally in this game! (No, really). I don’t know if this was never advertised or if everyone forgot about this game but it’s been here since mid 2012 and no one has made any effort to make it disappear.

If you’re really into RPGs and Game of Thrones this might be worth your time, especially since it’s only 15 bucks and has at least 30 hours of gameplay in it so here’s a link of the steam page:

I scold my cat because I love my little furbaby and I don’t want him jumping from up high and accidentally breaking something or hurting himself. Frisk has been told not to jump onto my desk from up high and he knows better. He seems okay though in the cat video at the end of this feature so I think he took my lecture to heart.
