The Children of the Forest’s Biggest Secret Exposed? — Game of Thrones Season 8 (Theory)

Welcome back for another Game of Thrones and ASOIAF Theory Video. Today I will be talking about several characters from this story. This theory mostly revolves around Bloodraven and the Children of the Forest, and their relationship with Bran Stark. I happen to believe Bloodraven, also known as the Three Eyed Raven, purposely put Bran Stark in position to lose the use of his legs. It appeared as if Bloodraven wanted to groom Bran, to help him become the next Three Eyed Raven, but I believe he may have had a hidden agenda with the Children of the Forest. I don’t think they are as innocent as they appear. We know the Children of the Forest created the Night King. After they did this, they ended up losing control of their creation, so they had to team up with the First Men in order to stop them. They were successful, and the Others went back beyond the Wall, but somehow the Children of the Forest ended up behind the Wall as well. Now that man has taken control of all of the lands, I think it is very possible that the Children of the Forest are still looking to get their revenge, and they may have been lying to us for all these years. Do they really want to stop the Night King, or have they been manipulating everyone into believing so? There is one major reveal coming next season, and it could have something to do with their relationship.. I am not 100% sure that I am right, but I think there is more to the Children and the Others that we need to learn, and we may be surprised when we find out.. Let me know what you think. Thank you for watching!

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Outro Music: Light of the Seven Remix
