The Art of the Prank

By | 24.06.2019

What is it about pranks that we find so interesting and entertaining?

That question is at the core of a unique freshman seminar class to be taught by UT’s «Court Jester,» Beauvais Lyons. More than just the campus trickster, Lyons is also a gifted artist, mentor and a force behind the UT Knoxville School of Art’s graduate program in printmaking.

Students in Lyons’ freshman seminar 129 course will study and stage a number of pranks during the semester to explore the social, political, ethical and artistic uses of the prank.

Lyons is also curator of the Hokes (pronounced hoax) Archives. He has built his career straddling fact and fiction — creating art and the accompanying narrative to fool you.

One such piece of art is «The Centaur Excavations at Volos.»
