Star Wars: The Football Awakens — BB-8 (Soccer Ball Droid) Parody

Inspired by BB-8’s nickname, soccer ball droid, this Star Wars parody answers «What if BB-8 was a soccer ball?»

For more BB-8, join the galaxy’s largest BB-8 Fan Club, @bb8awakens on Instagram and Twitter, and make sure to use the hashtag #bb8awakens for a chance to be featured!

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Video Description — DROID WARS: The Football Awakens is a Star Wars parody of The Force Awakens Official Teaser #1 featuring BB-8’s sports ball droid buddies: BB-KT (volleyball), BB-TK421 (volleyball), BB-7 (Soccer/fútbol), BB-R5 (football), and more!

Watch a side-by-side comparison with the actual Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer here:…
