SIXTEEN GUNS — parody of Sixteen Tons

By | 15.08.2018

Parody lyrics by Jim Terr (c) 2018 (~ 16 Tons)

Well… a gun-snatchin’ posse is comin my way.
I got word on that from the NRA.
They say they just wanna save a few kids’ lives.
But that’s just a smokescreeny bunch of jive.

I got sixteen guns, Rugers and Colts,
Semi-automatics and single-bolts. *
AR7s and M-16s.
Don’t ask me to think about what that means.

A well… regulated militia bein’ necessary..
I got a sacred right to open carry.
If you don’t get the connection, well neither do I.
But the NRA line is what I go by.

I got sixteen guns, but not quite enough
To convince everybody that I am tough.
My neighbor on the left has got 30 or more.
The neighbor on my right’s got a firearms store.

Well… if my kid ever gets gunned down in school,
In church or at a concert it’ll not be cool.
I might actually have to think about what’s wrong and right.
And that might not be a pretty sight.

I got sixteen guns, don’t try to take em away.
Nobody says you will except the NRA.
You can trust my good nature not to mow you down.
I only keep on hand about a thousand rounds.

So… if a bunch of liberals or surviving students
Tries to tell ya what’s right and prudent.
Just tell em go talk to the NRA.
They’ll tell em “Stop tryin to take our guns away!”

I got sixteen guns, Rugers and Colts,
Semi-automatics and single-bolts.*
AR7s and M-16s.
Don’t ask me to thinnnk… about what that means.

* yeah — I know — not an exactly correct term.
Artistic license
