Seymour Butts | Dark Simpsons Parody

Bart is the master of the prank call, and one of my all time favorites has got to be Seymour Butts. It’s all fun and games for Bart but Moe doesn’t seem to enjoy them as much.

This was such a fun video to make, it is a twist to the classic prank phone call gag that they do. As a child I thought that these were hilarious, but as an adult, I can’t but feel for Moe lol. Sorta like how the road runner is a jerk lol, go coyote!

Anyways like I said, this is a remake of the classic prank phone call gag. I researched all of the phone calls and combined different bits of each to make a new scene. I think Seymour Butts has to be my favorite one.

I had to do a lot of lip syncing during the shotgun scene, the original line was «if you’re gonna beat up my friend in my bar, there’s a two drink minimum.» from S08E03. And I had to change it to «It’s you isn’t it you cowardly little runt.»

List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio):
— S02E11 — One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
— S03E11 — Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
— S02E22 — Blood Feud
— S01E13 — Some Enchanted Evening
— S01E06 — Moaning Lisa
— S08E03 — The Homer They Fall
— S12E11 — Worst Episode Ever

Thank you and as always, please enjoy!

