Our Betters by Somerset Maugham (1923) | Radio Drama | Comedy

By | 16.12.2018

Our Betters, a Comedy in Three Acts. Written in 1915. Just after her wedding, American hardware heiress Pearl Saunders overhears her husband, Lord George Grayston, telling his mistress that he only married her for her money. Disillusioned, she grows hard and cynical.

adapted for radio by PEGGY WELLS with Patience Collier as Duchesse de Surennes and Joan Miller as Lady Grayston
Produced by RONALD MASON
MAUGHAM W. Somerset (1923.)

Bessie: Maureen Beck
FleminK Harvey: Robert Howay
Thornton Clay: Harry Towb
Pole: Peter Baldwin
Tony Paxton: Karl Held
The Princess della Cercola: Madi Hedd
Lord Bleane: John Pullen
Arthur Fenwick: Godfrey Kenton

BBC Radio 4 FM, 2 August 1969 20.30
