How I Made $2,500 Trading Penny Stocks On My Train Ride Yesterday*

The last 48 hours have been insane, in a good way. Subscribe: to get INSTANT alerts when I post a new video outlining my penny stock trading techniques.

0:15 I had some good trades, made roughly $2500, which is good, $2500 adds up.*

3:00 It’s been a busy two days from my dad throwing out the first pitch to trading on the train to getting overwhelmed by students, to donating $25,000.*

6:00 If a company is undercharging in some way they are going to under-deliver in another way. Or they are going to make money in other ways you don’t realize.

9:00 If you break rule #1 you get back to the starting point and all you can do is learn from your loss and recognize how terrible it feels to break rule #1 and get back on your feet again.

11:00 Don’t feel down if you have a small account and you can make $150 or $200 on a $750 investment you take it every single time.

15:00 We’re not about following alerts, it’s about learning to be self-sufficient. We have the biggest chat room in the low price stock market. It’s not a follow-the-leader mentality.

18:00 Don’t overtrade, wait for a play with momentum and news and that’s what it comes down to, not every penny stock has it.

20:00 You guys should all watch trader checklist. Go to now and watch it.

21:00 Study up and be prepared. Go to get the software, look at the 40+ scans that are built in and actually use them every single day. You will be shocked and the difference in your trading.

* Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here:
