Homeowners Confront Repairman After A Hidden Camera Catches His Suspect Behavior

Story Source : boredomtherapy
See The Full Video Here : https://youtu.be/tDkrffZKryQ
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Having a good relationship with a repairman requires trust. Not just because you’re letting a stranger into your home, but because you’re at least partially reliant on their knowledge of the issue to accurately gauge the (potentially hefty) cost of the repair.

One woman in particular wasn’t so sure that her repairman had her best interests at heart. So, to get to the bottom of things, she hired a news team of investigators to place hidden cameras inside her house. And boy, oh boy, what they found out will make you suspicious!

Paying someone else to do work inside your house actually requires a lot of trust. You often have no idea who’s trying to rip you off! This was the worry of one homeowner, who was concerned that cleaning companies had taken advantage of her in the past.
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——Audio by Scott Leffler: scottleffler.com

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