HIDDEN CAMERA FOOTAGE OMG! I can’t believe I caught this!

OMG I cannot Believe I caught this on Camera! When my daughter told me Triton had fallen down off of the Banister after she heard a loud noise, I looked back at the footage to see that Artemis had pushed him!
Thankfully cats land on their feet from high places and he didn’t really get hurt. But cats do things when we aren’t looking that are so funny!


The Savannah, is a cross between an African Serval and a domestic cat, it is a tall, lanky cat with solid spots over a basecoat that can range from warm golden orange to cool silver hues. Occasionally there will be black (melanistic) or white (snow) colorations. Due to their attenuated height and length, Savannahs will appear to be much heavier than they actually are.

While the Savannah has existed since the mid-1990’s, most still carry a high percentage of wild blood. Even so, you will find great variety in quality and appearance from breeder to breeder. As each year passes, it seems that more variation in quality is found, especially in the later generations.

Based on the amount of wild blood, Savannahs are priced from $1,500 to $20,000. Size and personality/temperament varies from generation to generation.

The F1 Savannahs are quite manageable. They are good with their litter box and won’t destroy your house. They will bond with one or two people, being pretty standoffish with everyone else. Not aggressive, but for the most part they won’t socialize with children or strangers. When people they don’t know visit, they retreat to a back room or launch themselves onto a high place to watch the goings on, but be out reach.

A F1 will want to play with you and expend an amazing amount of energy, but F1 Savannahs are definitely not lap cats. Trips to the vet can be challenging. This can be combated by making at least one trip to the vet to get accustomed to the smells and be “oohed and aawed” over without any negative experience. A positive first experience vet visit will make future trips much less stressful for both the cat and owner. if an F1 is upset them or they are trying to tell you something, occasionally they will opt not to use the litter box. They are also attracted to plastic grocery sacks if left within reach. They can be taught to walk on a harness and most are highly attracted to water, whether it be an outside pond, the garden hose or sprinkler, or your bathtub.F1 Savannahs will fall in a $10,000 to $20,000 price range.
