(Hamilton) «You’ll Be Back»: Overly Attached YouTuber Parody [THANK YOU for 10k Subscribers!]

…The word «subscribe» is starting to sound really weird to me XDD Also, does the beginning of «Right Hand Man» immediately start playing in anyone else’s head after the end of this song? 😛

But as said, THANK YOU SO MUCH for 10k subs! It’s hard to believe that I’ve made it to this milestone so quickly after so many months of resultless work, but I guess that’s just how YouTube works c: I love helping you guys laugh and I hope I can continue to do so!

I tried to write this parody to apply to YouTubers in general, which is why there’s no mention of parody-writing or any specifics about my channel. And I do have a real job … sort of … XD But as mentioned in the disclaimer, I strongly believe that one of the first rules of entertainment is to allow people to dislike your stuff XD So, if this parody is really stupid, feel free to unsubscribe. I will not kill your friends and family to remind you of my love ;3

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thaddieparodies
