Halloween Movie Trailer Parody

HALLOWEEN Parody 2018 — Mike myers breaks out of the retirement home, and pays a visit to his Ex-girlfriend (Grandma), and everyone who has had relations with her!!

RoadToHollywood Official Website https://www.roadtohollywoodtv.com
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Thank you to the South FL team!!
Watch «TYMELINE» Now -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaD8jcWCzEWmpe0SRs-uTAL8fF95QfUfO

Mike Myers — https://www.instagram.com/ty_crain/
Tpindell — https://www.youtube.com/user/tpindell3
Grandson — https://www.youtube.com/user/AgentJohn1
Bathroom Victim — https://www.instagram.com/uhohnick/
Grandma — https://www.instagram.com/wonderwoman…
Guy with greg — https://www.instagram.com/poetic_j/

Freestyle beat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI178Ew9_pg
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tpindell/halloween-freestyle

TAGS: michael myers, michael myers parody, halloween trailer parody, halloween tailer parody 2018, roadtohollywoodtv, tpindell, tpindell3 if michael myers were real, HALLOWEEN 2018 TRAILER PARODY, HALLOWEEN 2018 MOVIE PARODY, hi Mom
