FUNNY VIDEOS Toys repeat FAMOUS Movie Quotes

By | 29.05.2019

Hello, friends! we had a lot of fun making these toys to repeat famous movie lines, so please check it out and let me know if you like it !
here are the lines:
1. Miska Muska Mickey Mouse
2. Bibidi babidi, boo — Cinderella, The GodMother
3. Ehh, What’s up, doc? Bugs Bunny
4. Ariel, listen to me! — Sebastian, Little mermaid
5. I am your father — Darth Vader
6. I thought i say a pussycat! — Tweety
7. Crazy Frog
8. I did! I did saw a pussycat! Tweety
9. Woody the Woodpecker
10.Magic mirror on the wall, who is the faierst of them all? — Evil Queen , Snow White
12. Tu e bella comme la papaya! MINIONS
13.Ogres are like ONIONS! — SHREK
14.Let it go! Elsa Frozen
15. Goofy laughter
16.What is he doing? Trinity , Matrix
17.Super wasel, ultra weasel, diesel wiesel — ICE AGE
18.He’s beginning to believe — Morpheus Matrix
19.Survival of the Fittest, And besides, it’s fun! — Duffy Duck
20.I’ll be back — The Terminator
22. Somebodu stop me! The MASK
23. That’s all folks!

Outro song: TheFatRat — Time Lapse
