FAR CRY NEW DAWN All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS PS4 Pro

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The story is set seventeen years after the events of Far Cry 5. After the nuclear exchange known as «the Collapse» devastated the world, survivors attempt to rebuild the community in Hope County. Their efforts are threatened by the Highwaymen, a roving band of organized bandits led by twin sisters Mickey and Lou (voiced by Cara Ricketts and Leslie Miller).[4] With few other choices, the survivors form an alliance with New Eden—the remnants of the Project at Eden’s Gate—despite knowing that they may represent a greater threat than the Highwaymen. The game is also expected to reveal the fates of the Deputy and Joseph Seed, the protagonist and main antagonist of Far Cry 5 respectively.

► Outro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2OhfdEDZ3k
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