FAR CRY 5 All Cutscenes (Xbox One X Enhanced) Game Movie 1080p 60FPS

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The game is set in the fictional Hope County, Montana, where a preacher named Joseph Seed has risen to prominence. Seed believes that he has been chosen to protect the people of Hope County from an «inevitable collapse» and has established a congregation called Eden’s Gate. Ostensibly, this is to fulfill his mission of leading the people to salvation; in reality, Seed is a radical preacher and Eden’s Gate is a militaristic doomsday cult. Under his rule, Eden’s Gate has used both coercion and violence to forcibly convert the residents of Hope County, and intimidation to keep them from contacting the outside world for help. When an attempt to arrest Seed ends with the deaths of several lawmen, the player is swept into the armed conflict between Eden’s Gate and the remaining Hope County residents, who are organizing themselves into a resistance movement.

As always we used relevant gameplay, important dialogue and all cutscenes to create a fluid cinematic experience. There are a lot of filler «story missions» in this game, which I omitted to make sure it didn’t get too repetitive. Not that it wasn’t fun. But for a viewing experience, a lot of the story missions didn’t push the story forward in a relevant way.
