By the way, Can You Survive RPG game? | Part 3 — Journey to the North Podcast

You all wanted it, so here it is. Can you survive an RPG game part 3 but with a Christmas one-shot twist. This session was so good we decided to make a podcast out of it, so I highly suggest listening to the whole thing to really get immersed in this fantasy world.

People who we owe our lives to:
The dank dog thief:
Smol (drew backgrounds for 1st and 4th picture):
Apple Doodle Arts (drew background for 2nd picture):
Nati (drew background for 3rd picture):
Krasivei (drew the 5th picture):

The dungeons and dragons podcast was requested by a lot of people so we thought it’d be a good Christmas special. Of course, instead of posting it on Christmas, we ended up posting it in February (forgive our laziness). This adventure we had was the best one I’ve ever had so please enjoy this Christmas dnd even though it’s not Christmas. We still don’t know how to play dungeons and dragons but we have our own way of playing it so I hope that’s okay with all of you. We still have the challenges we need to do from «By the way, can you survive Jigsaw» which was recorded with TheAmaazing and TurtleAmigo. If you’re still reading this, I have a huge secret… I love OfflineTV, call me a weeb but their house just makes me so happy. Anyway, even if you don’t know how to play dungeons and dragons, you can still enjoy it like we do; we love you guys so much and really hope you guys can play like this with your friends.

Dan Plan ♪ ~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

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