Board Game Breakfast — Don’t Compare!

Tom Vasel takes a look at the news in the board game world, joined by a host of friends!

Contest —

0:22 — Intro
2:00 — News
5:56 — Kickstarter News
11:16 — From the Page to the Table
13:18 — We Game Together
15:26 — Dice Tower Productions
16:07 — Applied Mechanics
18:17 — Works of Art
20:16 — Solomode Gaming
22:06 — Thrift Store Throwbacks
24:39 — Tom Thinks: Don’t Compare
27:44 — The Board Game Makeover
30:45 — This is Broken
32:37 — Tantrum House
34:38 — Board Game Apps with Suzanne
36:36 — Playing the News
38:48 — Mega Meeple Rants
40:41 — Rhino Says Yes
42:52 — Dan and Cora
44:53 — Dead Last
46:54 — Tom is Wrong
48:23 — Final Thoughts

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