Bart Runs Away | Dark Simpsons Parody

Bart has never gotten along with his family: his father abuses him, his sister out shines him and his mother is constantly disappointed by him. Well Bart has had enough, to day is the day where he makes his own way, and leave the family.

This was a super fun video to make, in fact, it’s actually two videos merged together. I was making two videos and coincidentally, with a few edits, they merged together to make one great video.

There were a few edits in this video, I photoshopped Bart into the scene where Homer yelled «»take it off’. I guess that’s the only one. I hope you get a chuckle out of this one.

List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio):
— S01E11 — The Crepes of Wrath
— S02E07 — Bart vs. Thanksgiving
— S03E07 — Treehouse of Horror II
— S03E18 — Separate Vocations
— S03E22 — The Otto Show
— S04E06 — Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
— S05E18 — Burns’ Heir
— S07E05 — Lisa the Vegetarian
— S08E01 — Treehouse of Horror VII
— S08E05 — Bart After Dark
— S08E12 — Mountain of Madness
— S09E05 — The Cartridge Family
— S09E14 — Das Bus

Thank you and as always, please enjoy!

