A Quiet Place Trailer Parody | What if You Fart in A Quiet Place? | Flick Connection

A Quiet Place Trailer Parody.

What if you fart in A Quiet Place? We all know how to hold them in and ease them out but is it possible to do that all day, every day? I imagine a large part of your diet is canned food (beans) and fresh produce… both can cause serious gas. If A Quiet Place were real, everyone would eventually be dead and the last survivors, no matter how well they eliminate all sound are bound to have one big fart that gives them away.

Because A Quiet Place explained nothing about what happens when you fart… I’ve compiled all the a quiet place trailers, and a quiet place clips to create an A Quiet Place honest trailer that shows what would really happen in this scenario. No matter how hard you try you’re bound to let one slip eventually. If movies were real, I’m not sure this one makes much sense.

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