Holy Fury: Game of Thrones — Valyria’s Light #17 — Dragon VS Toad

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Roll1D2Games

The world is plagued by the Darkness unleashed by the mad Shadowking of Asshai — Topbog Spoff, a man nobody* has been able to defeat… until now.

In one of the last surviving townships of Old Valyria, on the island of Elyria, a slave using his wit and intellect rose to the prominent position of governor. Holding the belief that his people should return to the old traditions of the Freehold, and Dragonlords themselves, Brapaeryan Zapaeryan seeks to bring about the High Valyrian renaissance and destroy the darkness unleashed by Topbog; the same darkness that almost wiped out his people hundreds of years ago.

=== Full mod list ===

A Game of Thrones:

Steam Workshop:
A Revolutionary Borders Mod
Artifact Acquisition Only
Artifact Search
Interface: Century Gothic
Interface: Stellaris Colours

=== Links ===

Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/roll1d3games
Co-op Let’s Plays: https://www.youtube.com/c/eliseandsam
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/roll1d2games
Twitter: https://twitter.com/roll1d2games
Public Discord: https://discord.gg/smb5k7r


#crusaderkings2 #gameofthrones #holyfury
