Taylor Swift — “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” (MOM PARODY)

Sometimes a mom just needs to do her own thing! Inspired by Taylor Swift’s This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things lyrics.

These moms are headed to the Taylor Swift concert in October and have their fingers crossed that Taylor will see this, so tag Taylor and maybe they’ll get a meet and greet!!


Brought to you by:
Nia Rader, Katie Morris, Lauren McGowen, Casey Beck & Sandy Crocker

Singing: Casey Beck (www.instagram.com/caseybee18_97)

Parody Lyrics: Katie Morris (www.instagram.com/callmekatiebug www.callmekatiebug.com)

Editing: Nia Rader (www.instagram.com/niagirl9)

Moms: Nia Rader, Katie Morris, Sandy Crocker (www.instagram.com/abc_sandy) and Lauren McGowen (www.instagram.com/lmcgowen and www.instagram.com/mcgowens_on_the_move)
