SCARY Frequency Technology — 5 Scientific Examples of «Possession» and other Phenomena

Dr. Emoto water molecule research, Schizophrenia, Music frequencies, Dr. Persinger’s electromagnetic brain experiments to the mysterious «Alien Hand Syndrom»… all of this is available in the world WE LIVE IN. And this is just a frequency 101 introduction to what is REALLY going on in our world.

Can humans be hacked wirelessly to control their thoughts and even actions? Yes, science shows they can. Video footage of frequency experiments. Science is finally catching up with the Bible, which described these forms of energy mind control techniques ages ago.


Whistleblower says Tech company beaming frequencies on entire cities for mood alteration and electronic control experiments

Cymatics science — Sound waves change molecular structure and move matter

Credit video clips from Jacob Israel:


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God is science. God is Love. God is real. Holy Bible, Bible prophecy, Rapture technology, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Great awakening, Great tribulation, Christianity, religion, spirituality, salvation, new age, end of the age, miracles signs and wonders
