Tag Archives: Market

Game Theory

In this lecture during the 2013 Yale Presidential Inauguration Symposia, University Provost Polak offers a sample of his popular undergraduate economics course. As the William C. Brainard Professor of Economics, he is an expert on decision theory, game theory, and economic history. His work explores how individuals choose when faced with uncertainty and how societies… Read More »

Большая Разница АР Крым — Фестиваль Юмора АТБ

Официальный сайт: http://www.atbmarket.com/ Мы в социальных сетях: http://vk.com/atb_market_tm http://www.fb.com/ATB.Market.tm Tweets by atb_market_tm http://www.youtube.com/atbmarkettm http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/group/51320125980846 Видео команды «Большая Разница» АР Крым, Фестиваль Юмора АТБ — 2012 г.Днепропетровск source

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