Tag Archives: 76

Fallout 76 — A SCARY Window Into The Future Of Bethesda Game Studios

We tried to love it, but it just isn’t a product of the BGS we know. ? https://twitter.com/Camelworks ? https://www.instagram.com/camelworks_official/ ? https://www.twitch.tv/camelworks ? https://www.facebook.com/camelworks/ ? https://www.youtube.com/camelworks ? https://www.patreon.com/Camelworks ? https://www.youtube.com/camelworks/sponsor source

Fallout 76’s Opening Gameplay – Part 1 (4K)

Reiner played about three hours of Fallout 76 multiplayer at Bethesda Game Studios in Maryland, and he’s back to discuss the experience with Cork and Leo. And yes, it technically is in 4K. source