Michael McIntyre’s greatest jokes #1

— Phone Charging Joke was very funny since it’s very personal to me, back then without the technology, the decision of getting stuff we take granted now a days was a big deal.

— Raising children joke was the funniest. I’ve risen my children and have experienced all the things Michael suggested in this excerpt.

— OMG the driving joke! Haha! Hilarious!!

— The clock one is so obsurd and funny at the same time. It’s just so funny how he makes fun of things we experience all the time.

— The sport joke is again, as usual, funny! Sports is a peculiar things, and when explained and emphasised by Michael, it makes my throat hurt 🙂

— Christmas Toys from Crackers are just — well you know.

— I like the McDonald’s at Heathrow, not the one down the street. This joke was surprising since it combines my personal interest and my personal experience from my kids.

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Love Michael McIntyre as much as I do? Then sit back and relax while this man entertains you with his awfully funny jokes!

Make sure to watch his Big Show on BBC One on Saturdays!

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