Legend of Zelda Parody of «The Last Unicorn» (Feat. Legendav) — «The Last Dodongo» — TimberTaft

In This Zelda Parody Song of «The Last Unicorn,» I try and capture the struggle of the Dodongo as they try to preserve their lineage across Hyrule’s history. I know this was long overdue but I promise a large wave of content coming your way now that the worst of January (and being sick/away) are over.

Original Melody composed by «America.»
Check out Legendav for more awesome wailing guitars! https://www.youtube.com/user/DaviiKangMusic

NOTE: The End Screen message needed to be longer than usual. If you need the subscribe and playlist links, go to the last 20 seconds. YouTube’s time limit for these things is really dumb…

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Special Thanks to Assistant Editor Martha Matusik and instrumentalist Legendav for all their hard work making this thing… a thing. Thank you!

#dodongo #zelda #thelastunicorn
