Housekeeping Dead Body Sheet Prank #20

This is the 20th «dead body» I have left in a hotel room but the first that I have filmed. We had a great laugh with the housekeepers later that day, but for now enjoy the reaction.

I decided to start filming these when a housekeeper left me this note after she found bodies #13 & #14:

«BAHAHAHAHA, So creepy!!! Very clever if I do say so myself. Not Gunna’ lie, you fooled me there for a second ☺ -Housekeeping»

I leave a «body» every night I stay in a hotel, but I can only leave the cameras in the room if I am not checking out. So most of the reactions to the bodies will go unrecorded. Please subscribe if you would like to see more videos like this.

Filmed and edited by Zac Heileson & Jason Conforto.

Body by Jason Conforto

No sheets were harmed in this production.

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